This pirate ship is a beauty. I was inspired to build it after watching Penguins of Madagascar. A pirate would like no other ship for these reasons:
- It's sea worthy
- Very big storage
- It's fast
- It has 15 cannons
So in that case a pirate could want no other boat. It has a chain so it's rowboat can get on board the ship.
It is big, has a good storage compartment, big cannons, and a wide deck. I used Kleenex for the sail because it was a perfect fit and I was able to connect the Legos to it really easy. Knights can attack the boat, but because of it's cannons, wide deck, and fierce pirates, they are in for a big fight.
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It's easy to attack the ship because it doesn't have railing. |
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The oar's are made from Lego lamp posts. |
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The storage is big. It can store lots of weapons, gold and food. |