Friday, March 20, 2015

Crooks Helicopter

The crooks helicopter is cool looking, has missiles, troop bay and bombs. I like it because its cockpit is cool
Cool cockpit
Crook bay
Upper left is a capsule that has a diamond in it
Bombs in the back

Mega Speeder

The Mega Speeder is fast and sleek. I think it is cool I like it because of the big machine gun on the side.
On the back of the speeder is a chainsaw and a gun on the back
A two man speeder
A big machine gun on the side
A chainsaw and a gun on the back
On the the front bottom is another gun that the driver controls

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Police Spaceship

The Police Spaceship is fast, with lots of room, weapons storage and laser cannons. It's big cockpit can allow a Navigator, gunner, pilot, copilot and spaceman to work in the same area at once.

It has a lot of laser cannons.
Big cockpit.

big troop space.
It was designed to catch crooks anywhere, anytime so crooks beware!

Crook's Car

The crook's car is pretty fast and its trunk can open so that they can store gold and their weapons. It has two seats so the crooks can getaway fast.
It's sleek, fast and very white.

The trunk can open to put stuff in it.
The Police had better step up their game!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

pirates vs knights

This pirate ship is a beauty. I was inspired to build it after watching Penguins of Madagascar. A pirate would like no other ship for these reasons:
  1. It's sea worthy
  2. Very big storage
  3. It's fast
  4. It has 15 cannons
So in that case a pirate could want no other boat. It has a chain so it's rowboat can get on board the ship.
It is big, has a good storage compartment, big cannons, and a wide deck. I used Kleenex for the sail because it was a perfect fit and I was able to connect the Legos to it really easy. Knights can attack the boat, but because of it's cannons, wide deck, and fierce pirates, they are in for a big fight.

It's easy to attack the ship because it doesn't have railing.
The oar's are made from Lego lamp posts.

The storage is big. It can store lots of weapons, gold and food.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

This is the 3rd post I have posted. A construction site, the boss in the middle right 
is giving orders to the crew.  I am going to make it more detailed soon, (videos coming soon).

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Top Secret Republic Base

I built this base so I could get a good view of what I would do when I do my stop animation videos
and movies (coming soon) my base has 1. hallways, 2. sliding door 3. landing platform. I think I like
this base because it has a sliding door.

Monday, March 2, 2015

NU-Class Attack Shuttle

The NU-Class Attack Shuttle is a Lego craft that can carry up to 12 clonetroopers. It`s cockpit has two
pilots: a pilot and a copilot. At first I had no missle launcher on of my craft, then I thought I would make
it look more fierce than it was. Droids had better watch out!

Iron Claw Tank

I love to build Legos. This is my first post of my career building Lego tanks, spaceships, creatures, and more. (My dad is helping me with my website and soon we'll have stop-animation videos too.)

The Iron Claw Tank:

It's treads are made from rubber bands because I didn't have Lego treads available. It can fit three mini figures (a pilot, a gunner, and the commander.) I wanted it to resemble a WWII Sherman tank - it's my favorite WWII tank.